December 9th, 2011
Hi everyone! So I’ve been meaning to announce something that a lot of you may think is pretty weird, haha. But bear with me. I’ve really been trying to look for a healthier path in my life in terms of food and exercise. I’ve already joined a gym and, so long as I go often enough, it works pretty well for me. However, I’ve noticed a lot of weight gain since I came home from college. I started to get worried because my family on both my mom and dad’s side has a history of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Yikes! And weight gain is almost like a direct path toward those things.
Now please understand, I love myself the way I am. I don’t think I’m ugly and I don’t want to change myself to please others. I just need to get healthy, and to do that I MUST get my weight in check.
I’ve done a TON of research. Like, you have no idea, LOL. I thought I knew what a healthy diet was, but found out I could be doing much, MUCH better. What I’m trying to say is that as soon as I’m able, I am going to become vegan.
Veganism has the best health benefits I’ve ever seen! Plus, I’m already lactose intolorant so that cuts out milk anyway, haha. Everything our bodies need, even calcium, protein, carbohydrates and so on are all available to us in a plant-based diet. And I would never preach about it or try and convince anyone else that they HAVE to go vegan, LOL. It’s just something I’ve grown to feel strongly about and once I’m living on my own and buying my own groceries, I can’t wait to jump into it and become the best version of ME!
Oh, and yes, this does partially have to do with the fact that I’ve always loved animals and the idea of killing and eating them just seems ridiculous if you look at it simply, haha.
Love you guys, thanks for all your support.