Sunday, September 7, 2014

10 Reasons NOT to "EAT CLEAN"

I am a HUGE Pinterest junkie. I'm on there 24/7. My favorite part, of course, is the AMAZING and delicious recipes. It seems, though, that every time I search through the food section I see pin after pin involving something about "Eating Clean," or "The Eat Clean Diet." At first, I thought this just meant eat more fruits and vegetables, less candy, less salty/fatty foods, etc. However, the more I looked into it, the more I realized this had all the signs of just another diet scam written all over it. Before I explain why, I want to make it clear that pursuing a more healthful lifestyle through food is GREAT! You should be pleased with yourself for doing so, because many people never make it past the wishing phase. As I've said before, it's never the PEOPLE on this diet that I have a problem with. No way. They're just normal people like me, trying to find what works for them. It's always the downside of the diet that I hate, and only that. Okay, now let's do this thing.

First, let's look at the pros of the diet:

1. It does emphasize eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables! Always a great thing!
2. It encourages eating whole foods such as whole grains, etc.
2. It encourages buying more organic food if available.
3. If done right, it cuts down majorly on the chemicals, artificial colors/flavors, high sodium, and processed oils in packaged foods.

Now, the list of cons:

1. It fails to officially define "processed food." 
If I were to define the word "processed" when it comes to the foods we buy I would think it means pre-packaged, added chemicals, artificial colors, manufactured, or something along those lines. However, it seems like everything I've seen about the Eat Clean diet just means "don't eat anything that comes from a package." It makes one wonder, what about oats and natural whole grain breakfast cereal? What about whole organic sugar? What about canned foods such as beans and vegetables? All of those foods could be considered whole foods, but may contain a few mild preservatives. Yet I've seen countless "Eat Clean" dieters both use those items and also say they are bad. The guidelines are a bit fuzzy on this one. Still, those are perfectly wholesome foods to eat in my own experience. 

2. It, like all the other fad diets, emphasises calorie restriction. 
I will never understand why people keep lessening their food intake to unhealthy levels and expect to raise their metabolism. Your body needs enough fuel in order to burn fat. When you make yourself hungry and limit your carbs, fruits, or any high-energy foods, you're making your body into a fat-storer instead of a fat burner. Also, many people start exercising right when they start their low calorie diet because they feel it will make the weight come off faster. While exercise is always great, you will actually need MORE calories if you're burning more energy. Your body will crave it because it knows what it needs. Do exercise, but feed your body when it's hungry! As long as you are only eating low fat, whole plant-based foods, your metabolism will go up. Obviously, its not good to go over your daily recommended calories for your height and weight, but there is such thing as going too low. I once tried to have an 800-1000 calorie diet to lose weight. All I did was become starving after one week and gorge myself on too MANY calories later! Trust me, I've already lost almost 30 pounds from eating well on a whole food plant-based diet, and without exercising at all! (Even though I should. ;D)

3. Also like the other fad diets, it vilifies fruit sugar as something that makes you fat.
*Sigh* Oh yes, the sugar distraction. You've heard it all before. "Sugar makes you fat!" "Sugar makes your blood sugar spike and causes diabetes!" Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I'm here to say NO, whole fruit sugar does NOT make you fat and while processed sugar can agitate diabetes, not all types of sugar (such as in fruit, grains, etc) are created equal. Every cell in the body runs on a sugar called glucose. The body converts fruit sugars, called fructose, into glucose while digesting. The brain is especially in need of glucose in order to function properly. The body also uses carbohydrate foods such as grains, beans, and starchy vegetables as glucose in the body to produce energy. You can eat 3-4 balanced meals per day of whole grains, legumes, fruit and lots of veggies (with no fat added) and either lose weight if you need to, or maintain your healthy weight (depending on the volume of your food intake). Processed sugar that you buy to make cakes, cookies, etc. is known as sucrose. It's highly processed, bleached, and stripped of all nutritional value. For this reason, it can cause tooth decay and become an agitation in regard to certain medical conditions, especially someone who has diabetes because the pancreas can't use the sugar correctly to make insulin. However, the reason the diabetic's pancreas doesn't work in the first place is NOT caused by the sugar. It should be able to process any sugar. That's what a pancreas does! Instead the pancreas is weakened by having to filter things that aren't meant to be there (such as high amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol. Animal product foods). So even though processed sugar isn't the greatest, natural sugar (with the fiber of the whole food) does not make someone fat or diabetic. To learn about reversing diabetes, I suggest looking up Doctor Neal Barnard. He's developed an entire program on reversing diabetes through a plant-based diet and explains how and why it works in detail. 

Here Dr. Barnard briefly addresses diabetes in regard to sugar and carbohydrates:

And here is a full lecture by Dr. Barnard on how to reverse diabetes:

4. It promotes lean meat, egg whites, and organic milk. But all of those things are HIGHLY PROCESSED and ANYTHING but clean.

When the Eat Clean dieters aren't promoting whole grains, whole beans, and whole produce, they tend to really push the prepackaged yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, fish, and meat of all kinds. To be honest, this makes zero sense. Animal products are one of the most highly processed grocery items out there. Dairy goes through multiple processes just to make it sanitary (or just enough, because it will always contain small amounts of pus and blood that the factories can't remove), meat has to be injected with an array of chemicals and red food colorings just to look edible (yes, even a lot of the organic meats are treated with chemicals and are often injected with extra salt and flavoring). Eggs have to go through multiple sanitation processes, but since so many eggs are laid by infected chickens, it's difficult to know just what's going to happen after you eat that egg. Plant foods on the other hand, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are picked, sorted, washed, and shipped. They are fresh and whole, the way nature intended. To me, that is the true definition of "unprocessed." 

5. It is more expensive. 
Let's be honest, a grocery cart full of fruits, vegetables, rice and beans is MUCH cheaper than one full of grass fed meats, free range eggs, and organic dairy products. On top of buying those animal products (that only create cancer and parasites in the body anyway), you still have to buy at least some fruits and vegetables to get in some fiber, vitamins, and minerals. That's a huge grocery bill all together. I'll go with the delicious peasant food, especially when it makes me lose weight and protects me from disease. To know more about this, watch the medical documentary "Forks Over Knives" available here:

Here is the trailer:

6. It flip-flops between what is "allowed" and what is not. 
Sometimes the Eat Clean diet says to only eat organic foods, and sometimes it says that's not necessary. Sometimes it says certain packaged foods are allowed, such as certain kinds of butter or cheese, and sometimes it says that's not allowed. It also is very unclear on the allowable fat intake, but promotes lots of olive oil and coconut oil (the latter of which is extremely high in saturated fat).

7. More cooking time is required. 
When it comes to animal products, especially meat, I find from my own experience that cooking plant-based foods is not only faster, it's much easier as well. Meat seems to take a lot longer to cook and you have to worry about cross-contamination of utensils, etc. All of that is never a problem when cooking rice, vegetables, or any plant foods.

8. You can actually gain fat on this way of eating.
I essentially tried "eating clean" in college before it was given that name. I ate only lean meats, egg whites, "natural" cheeses, used "heart healthy" cooking oils, etc. Guess what? It makes you fat. REALLY fat. There is just no way around it. The fat you eat is the fat you wear, especially when it comes to animal products because then you are literally consuming that animal's body fat and storing it on your own body.  Here's my before and after pictures if you don't believe it. On the left, I was eating animal products, on the right, I'm plant-strong. :)

9. The name of the diet itself is an improper use of grammar. 
It is impossible for one to eat "clean" because that is an adjective. People seem to forget their adverbs these days. It should really be "Eat CLEANLY." (I know, it really has nothing to do with the diet. Just an old English Major pet peeve of mine).

10. It distracts from the real food-based problems we face today.
So many people today are concerned with not eating too much sugar or avoiding white flour, etc. But they're completely ignoring what foods are really causing their illnesses and weight gain: animal products! Again, I would definitely emphasize watching the film "Forks Over Knives" to be fully informed on the medical dangers of consuming animal products. It completely changed my life for the better. <3

When it comes to what we should eat, a whole-food plant-based lifestyle is always the way to go. Just look to what naturally grows from the earth and you'll be just fine. :)

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Hi everyone! I recently made a video about how I lost 25 pounds and decided to post a little something extra to go with it. One of the most important parts of weight loss and good health is keeping a positive attitude. Back when I wasn't on a plant-based diet I had no idea how to take care of myself, including how to weigh myself properly. I would usually get on the scale at night which was exactly the opposite of what I should have been doing. I was also using a non-digital scale and would constantly forget to level it before stepping on, so my weight seemed WAY more than it actually was. As we eat throughout the day, of course our weight is going to go up, possibly even by 7 pounds in one day. By the time we go to bed and wake up the next morning, our body has had time to go through the healing and repairing process, so we are back to our normal weight. 

I'm really big on lists, so I thought I would use one here just lay out the best way to know your true weight and see consistent progress.

1. Go to the bathroom before you weigh yourself. It helps. TRUST me. ;)
2. Weigh yourself right after you've just woken up, after you've done step #1, and BEFORE you eat.
3. NEVER weigh yourself after taking a shower.
4. NEVER weigh yourself after eating.
5. NEVER weigh yourself anytime but in the morning.
6. Let's be honest. It's best if you weigh yourself without clothing. Don't be embarrassed. We all shower naked anyway, right?
7. Make sure the scale is leveled and working properly before you step on.

This has really given me a better handle on my own weight loss progress, so I hope maybe it can help someone else too! :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Yup, I'm a vegan. Yup, after I went vegan I got my first cavities ever. And yup, I now know there IS a way to not only prevent but HEAL one's cavities, and being vegan is actually not the cause of tooth decay. In fact, it can be the very thing that saves our teeth. 

About one week ago, I felt a cavity forming in one of my teeth. It was fairly close to a spot in the back of my mouth where I'd gotten my first 3 fillings ever just a few months prior. I started majorly freaking out, imagining a long, endless road of more pain, drilling, and high dental bills ahead of me for the rest of my life. My family has a history of not-so-great teeth, so I couldn't shake the fear of ending up in the same boat. I looked to Google for some kind of remedy that heals cavities, and I'd heard it can and has been done by many people all over the world since the beginning of time. To be honest, searching for a natural answer from the internet just caused me to worry more. I was bombarded with hoards of un-researched, sarcastic articles about why people on a vegan diet have the worst teeth in the world, how if you want to be cavity-free you have to give up eating fruit and grains, and that to heal cavities you need to drink cod liver oil and/or consume lots of raw milk and animal organs like tongue, liver, and heart. 
UGH!!! Disgusting!! And completely untrue. Perhaps eating lots of those animal products worked to heal cavities for some people, but vegans can get the very same result without the cruelty. Why? Because it's a certain nutrient that's missing, not a certain kind of food. This nutrient is best consumed through time out in the good old sunlight. Yup, it's vitamin D. And I was VERY deficient. 

Specifically, the kind of vitamin we need is D3. The kind we get from fortified foods like orange juice, plant milks (almond, rice,  soy), tofu, and breakfast cereals is vitamin D2, which is quite different than D3 and doesn't really provide us with all we need for strong bones and teeth. The role of vitamin D3 is to aid in the body absorbing calcium. As vegans, we know that calcium is best consumed through dark leafy greens and other vegetables like broccoli. It's never difficult to get enough calcium, at least not for me because I love veggies. :) But even though I knew I was getting enough calcium, it was not being properly absorbed to strengthen my bones and especially my teeth, thereby creating cavities. 
I live in Washington state, so I get about the same amount of sunlight as your friendly neighborhood vampire. I'm pretty much the palest person I know and if I'm in the sun more than 5 or 10 minutes, I turn red as a lobster. If you're able to get your vitamin D3 from the sun, that's great! It's definitely the most natural and safe way to do it. No matter how much vitamin D3 you absorb from the sun, your body will use and distribute all it can, and then just eliminate the rest through waste. If you're like me and you take a plant-based D3 supplement, just be sure you never go over the dosage recommended on the label, because too much of any supplement can be dangerous. 
All right, so back to how I healed my cavity. I was still in a panic over the slight pain that seemed to be growing more and more, so I made an appointment for my dentist to look at it. That same day I rushed over to my local health food store and found a vegan vitamin D3 supplement. It costs a lot more than the D3 gelatin capsules, but I figured animals didn't need to die in order for my teeth to heal, or for my wallet to be fatter. The vegan D3 supplements are also WAY better quality. Here is a picture of the brand I now use:

That night I steamed up a whole bunch of vegetables for dinner, including kale- the powerhouse of vitamins and most importantly, minerals. Getting sufficient minerals from plant foods in the diet is VERY important for dental health. With them I ate an avocado. Those babies are PACKED with minerals and also, healthy whole fats. I don't promote a diet high in fat and I never use oil in my diet, but the occasional whole food sources of fats can be great for teeth, such as avocado, coconut, olives, and nuts.
I waited a few hours after eating to brush my teeth. Many times we may get the urge to brush immediately after eating, but that can often do more harm than good. Our mouths are made to break down and absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat. Our saliva has an enzyme called salivary amylase which naturally breaks down the carbohydrates/sugars that we eat so they are soft enough to swallow. This way, the saliva continues to help clean the teeth after food has been swallowed. Brushing too often or right after a meal can mess with the mouth's natural cleaning process, which is why I felt it best to wait at least an hour.

When I did brush my teeth, I used castile soap instead or regular old toothpaste. You can get castile soap at any Whole Foods or health food store, though you can sometimes find it in department or grocery stores too. Plus, they're dirt-cheap! I use Dr. Bronner's Castile bar soap in peppermint. I will be completely honest. No, it does not taste good. But you spit it out after brushing and everything's fine. You will be okay, LOL. The reason I use castile soap is because it is made naturally from oils and it doesn't contain harsh or abrasive chemicals in even the most natural of commercial toothpastes. Most naturally made toothpastes still contain some type of glycerine, which can wear away at the teeth.

I made sure to floss too. To be honest, I think a lot of cavities are just brought on by poor dental hygiene like neglecting to floss. This is why a lot of people think eating grains or fruit are bad for your teeth. If small pieces of fruit or carbohydrates get stuck in the teeth and are not removed, it can quickly cause decay as it remains stuck. Flossing is a beautiful thing, my friends. :) If you're lazy like me and don't want to fight with the old fashioned kind of floss, just use these little flosser gems.
They're super cheap and available at any grocery store.

Lastly, after brushing I brought out my secret weapon. COCONUT OIL!! If you've never heard of the method called "oil pulling" before, it may sound a little weird; even a little gross. Just stay with me on this one. It will SAVE your teeth! And fast too! Oil pulling is an ancient method for healing teeth and gums (as well as whitening the teeth) where you simply take about one tablespoon of oil in your mouth and gently swish it around for 15-20 minutes, then spit it all out. I use coconut oil because it has the most tolerable taste and a thicker texture that is best for cleaning the mouth, but olive and other types of oils work just fine too. DON'T SWALLOW THE OIL. If you accidentally swallow a little bit, don't freak out. It won't kill you or anything. When you swish, the oil is attaching to the toxins and harmful bacteria in the mouth and when you spit it out, all the bad bacteria and toxins come out with the oil! It may sound too easy, but it truly works. Aside from taking vitamin D3, I think this is really what healed my cavity overnight. After you oil pull, don't brush your teeth. You want your teeth to have some moisture from the oil because dryness can cause cavities and cracking in the teeth as well. It's best to oil pull in the morning or right before bed.

So what was my result in all of this? Well, I went to the dentist and told him the pain I'd been feeling, but even as I was talking about it, I realized the pain was no longer there. The dentist took the little air-blower and put some air on my tooth to check it's sensitivity, but I felt nothing. I was shocked, because just the day before my tooth had been very sensitive to air and cold. I couldn't believe it! The dentist concluded that whatever I'd had was now gone. He said it could have been some food that was caught in my teeth that became dislodged later on, but I knew it wasn't that. I think we all KNOW what a cavity feels like. There's nothing quite like that little twinge of pain. I walked out of there that day extremely relieved and also amazed. I'd actually HEALED myself. If I can do it, I know anyone can. You don't even have to do all the methods I mentioned, but just as a reference, here is a summary of the different ways you can have GREAT dental health (especially as a vegan).

1. Be sure to brush teeth twice a day with a soft bristle brush. Go in small, circular strokes to make sure your teeth are properly cleaned.
2. Use castile soap or a tooth soap instead of toothpastes that contain harsh chemicals.
3. Be sure to floss!!! I can't emphasize that enough.
4. Eat plenty of dark leafy greens and vegetables on a regular basis for calcium and minerals.
5. Occasionally eat some whole food fats such as avocado, coconuts, olives, and nuts.
6. Get at least 10-15 minutes per day in the sunlight. If you can't do this, take a vegan D3 supplement in the dosage recommended on the label.
7. Observe your overall health and see if there are other nutrients that may be missing in your diet. If you aren't sure, have your blood tested to see the areas where you may be lacking.
8. For whitening teeth and preventing/healing cavities, do oil pulling several times per week. Even doing it once does wonders.
9. DO NOT EAT HIGH ACID FOODS. These throw off the natural Ph of the body and cause stomach acid to go up into the throat and mouth, causing things like acid reflux, bad breath,  and tooth decay. The highest acid foods are meat (including all red meat, poultry, fish, etc.), dairy, eggs, alcohol, coffee, and black tea. Vegans won't have to worry about some of those, but it's best to stay away from all of them.
10. Get plenty of sleep. If you're doing the right things to heal your body, adequate sleep will help you heal faster and give your body the strength it needs to fight whatever ails it.

I sincerely hope this helps someone else who is as worried as I was about the health of my teeth. There IS a way to have a healthy smile without sacrificing an animals life or the overall health of your body to do it. If you find my advice questionable, that's okay. I know it goes against what a lot of people may say is possible in the dental world. All I can say is that one day I had a cavity, I did these methods, and the next day my cavity was GONE. I truly believe it can work for you too. Take care of yourselves, my friends. :)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

This Mormon Woman's Take on "Ordain Women"

Kate Kelly and the "Ordain Women" group.
Usually my blog posts are more thought-out and well planned. But today I decided to just write something that's been weighing on my heart. I've been hearing a lot of news coverage concerning Kate Kelly, the leader in the "Ordain Women" movement. This group of women have been protesting to receive the exact same types of callings and positions in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the male members have in the name of "gender equality." I know that many people may read this and disagree with what I have to say, but it simply must be said. I am an active and faithful member of the LDS church and I wish to warn everyone that this group is not only WRONG in what they are telling the press, they are being completely DESTRUCTIVE. 

Before I go any further I must put out a disclaimer. I am the BIGGEST believer in equal rights between men and women that you will ever meet. No act of sexism can get by me, and that includes sexism toward men just as much as it would toward women. I feel that if there are any efforts being made in the world for gender equality, the efforts should be aimed elsewhere than in the LDS religion. How about putting all of that effort into having women be paid the same wages as men for doing the exact same job? Yup, we're still waiting on that one in most of America. Or how about the other day when my mom went to buy a new car; they refused to let her name be on the paperwork, and insisted that it go under my dad's name, and it wasn't even his car! Or better yet, how about we stop the biggest factory of misogyny known to man; the SEXIST MEDIA?! If a large group of people were to rise up against making women look like crazy objects and men look like stupid gluttons, perhaps we wouldn't be bombarded with these kinds of paraphernalia EVERY SINGLE DAY:

Like I said, men are not exempt from sexism in the media either:

And even though I'm a vegan,  I DON'T support Peta, just because of their horribly sexist ads. 

I apologize for these images because I know they are disturbing. But that is exactly the point. There is so much more sexism going on in the world that could be stopped, but instead we're pointing our fingers in the wrong direction.

Yes, that's where Ordain Women comes in. I love everyone and if you truly know me, you will never know the word "hate" to even be part of my vocabulary. I see everyone as my beloved brother or sister and I understand that everyone is on a different walk in life than I am. That's OKAY! That is exactly why we're all here! Life is a test to see if we will use our agency wisely and I am definitely imperfect. That being said, while I don't hate others, I do often experience great frustration at the things they do (as I'm sure is true for everyone). All of those things aside, let me just say this. If you are someone who was unacquainted with the LDS church before hearing about the Ordain Women movement, some things need to be seriously cleared up, so I'm here to set the record straight. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a religion in which the clergy are not paid and instead the church members are given callings to which they volunteer to help in various ways. The Ordain Women group keep telling people (falsely) that men ultimately preside over the women in the LDS church because they are the only ones who "hold the priesthood." The reality is, the women of the church have a calling that is parallell/hand-in hand with the male priesthood of the church and it is called the Relief Society. defines this group as "the oldest and largest women's organization in the world. Relief Society was established in 1842 for women 18 years of age and older. Its purpose is to build faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and help those in need."

Here are the leaders of the Church's current Relief Society Presidency. Linda K. Burton is the Relief Society general president, Carole M. Stephens is first counselor , and Linda S. Reeves is second counselor.

Here is the general Young Women's presidency of the church. Carol F. McConkie, Bonnie L. Oscarson, and Neill F. Marriott. 

And here is the church's general presidency over the Primary children. They are
Jean A. Stevens, Rosemary M. Wixom, and Cheryl A. Esplin.

Saying that women have no position of authority in the LDS church is just a flat out LIE. 

I am so grateful to be a member of the Relief Society because I feel that every member truly is someone's answered prayer. We do countless service projects, offer help wherever it is needed, and work to uplift everyone, church member or not. On Sundays The men and women all have a meeting together in which the sacrament is blessed and passed, then we have Sunday School together, and the third hour of church is where the men go to their priesthood meeting and the women go to their Relief Society meeting. One is not more powerful than the other. To be honest, when I heard that women were pushing to be admitted to priesthood meetings, my first thought was "but I don't want men coming to Relief Society!" Heck, I can't even imagine a man being our next Relief Society president. He just wouldn't be able to handle it! LOL. 

All silliness aside, both women and men are equally yoked in the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are two sides of the same coin and I believe that without each other, they cannot reach their fullest potential. 

I've been doing a lot of studying lately on the spiritual subject of the "divine feminine" and the "divine masculine" that exist in every human being. This simply means that as a baby, we are each born from part of our father and part of our mother that form into one new creation of life. It's a miracle! Our body and spirit are either on one side of the coin or the other; male or female. Such is what we always have been and always will be spiritually. However, because we are born from both male and female, both energies exist within us. This may sound a little strange, so let me explain with some visual aids.
Here we see the different characteristics of the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Both of which exists within each of us:

As it says in the description, we need a balance of both energies in order to be complete and at peace with ourselves and with others. For example, if I, as a woman, were leaning too far on the feminine energy side, I would be something like the image of a barbie doll (relying too much on appearance and possibly not in full control of my emotions). Unfortunately, this is how much of the world views women, when in reality, that is just the stereotype based on an INCOMPLETE woman! If I, as a woman, were leaning too far into the masculine energy, I might be too strict, overly practical, aggressive, and rejecting my own feminine nature. This should not be confused with being a "tomboy," however, which just defines little girls who like being girls, but also like to go outside, dig up worms and climb trees. They are probably more in balance than most adult women in this day and age. 

Female and Male Pheasants 
Going along with the subject of the divine feminine and masculine, both have very important roles in the human existence. Women have what amounts to nothing less than a SUPER POWER! We can grow humans with our BODIES! Sometimes two or more at a time! But without joining with the masculine energy, this miracle of human reproduction would not be possible. Likewise, the men, who are born on the side of the divine masculine, have a natural tendency to feel needed. They wish to protect the divine feminine at all costs because of this miracle of life. In nature, this is done through the male of several species (such as types of birds) to be very bright and noticeable in color compared to the plain, dull appearance of the females. This way, predators are drawn to the male as a distraction, so the female and babies can be protected. 

Nowadays, women have a lot more power and influence in the world, which is FANTASTIC!! I wouldn't have it any other way. Yet, because of this, many women have come to feel offended if men show any act of chivalry toward them. Personally, if I'm on a date and the man I'm with opens a door for me or pulls out my chair for me, I don't feel like he's trying to say I need his help. He's saying that I'm special. I'm worth looking out for. Likewise, I know that I should try to help him too.

Overall, we are divine beings with a divine purpose. I fully believe that as a woman I am blessed with the divine power to give life, and this power does not end after mortal death. Men's power does not just include "helping make the baby," which would be fairly pathetic if that's all they got. They are the other side to the coin. Fathers are there to help guide and protect their families, and also to bless them. To do this, the power of the priesthood is needed in the home, and it is given to the man so he will be equally yoked with the woman, and she with him.

It's okay if this is not what you believe. But for me, it makes perfect sense. We are not this way by accident. Our Heavenly Father loves us each individually and knows that the worth of one soul will never outweigh the next.

So should our church ordain LDS women? I say no. That would imply that I feel a lack in who I am just for being a woman and that is definitely not the case. Being a woman means I'm powerful, and so does being a man. Together we are the yin and yang; water, fire. Hot, cold. He is within me and I within him. Why change something so beautiful and perfect?

To close, I would like to suggest reading a wonderful article from another latter-day saint woman about her positive take on the Ordain Women movement and how it allowed her to grow.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Okay, first, let's set the record straight here. It's never the PEOPLE on the Paleo diet that I hate, it's definitely the diet/lifestyle itself. Everyone I've known that has tried or wanted to try the Paleo diet had good intentions. They want to improve their health, lose weight, and have more discipline in what they eat. Those are all GREAT goals to set for oneself! However, this diet is NOT the way to go about accomplishing health, weight loss, or discipline of any kind. In fact, it hurts the body more than it helps. 

There do happen to be three things I DO like about the Paleo diet, so for the sake of fair argument, I will list them now:

1. It emphasizes eating a large amount of vegetables, which really is vital to good health.
2. It eliminates dairy products. Let's face it, our bodies have a really hard time digesting dairy, and for a good reason. Is it natural to go up to a cow, goat, sheep, or other mammal and nurse from its udders? I think not.
3. It avoids processed foods. I admit, I have processed (plant-based) foods from time to time, and some of them aren't bad for you. Still, all that salt, processed sugar, and pure fat won't make anything better.

Alright. Now let's get down to the nitty gritty.

10 things I hate about the paleo diet:

1. Villainizing carbohydrates. A HUGE part of the diet industry in our modern age is telling people that carbs make people fat. Yet people can go on a diet of nothing but potatoes for a month or more (yes, it's been done) and actually LOSE weight. If you go to Wikipedia and search "Staple foods" you will see that most of the world is fed on mainly carbs such as grains, corn, and beans. They would starve without them! Yet the western world, who eat more animal products than ever, are heavier and more unhealthy than the people who follow traditional grain-staple diets, such as the traditional Chinese diet which is based on rice and/or potatoes. Carbs are now the staple of my own diet and I've lost over 30 pounds. Still aren't convinced? Watch "Fighting Big Fat Lies With Fad-Free Truth" by Doctor John McDougall.

2. Restriction of natural sugars. I agree that processed sugar is unnatural, bad for digestion, and causes tooth decay. I avoid it as much as possible. However, the paleo diet suggests that fruit is good to eat only in small portions or not at all. They say that sugar in anything causes weight gain. If you eat cake every day and gain weight, it's the combination of the sugar with animal fat in the butter, milk, or eggs that gives your body too much energy that is must store! 50% carbs/sugar+ 50% fat= added body fat. But when eating a cake, people taste the sweetness of the sugar, not the other ingredients, so that it what they blame. The natural sugars in fruit are WORLDS different than processed sugar. Fruit holds a lot of water, live enzymes, and sugars that boost energy and actually flush out fat and toxins! Plus, when you eat a whole, unprocessed fruit, the fiber helps keep your blood sugar from spiking.  I know without a doubt that including a piece of fruit with your meals can aid in healthy weight loss. I eat two to three fruits per day. Ever since I switched to a whole-food plant-based diet, my weight loss took off and my clothes are always getting baggier. Need more info on this? Look up Freelee, the Banana Girl on YouTube. She used to be 40 pounds heavier and had a drug problem, but now she's 100% clean, lean, and feeling better than ever! 

3. Oil/fat overload. Saturated fat and trans fat are the kinds of fat responsible for weight gain. Trans fat is found in an animal's body fat, so naturally, eating the meat, milk, or eggs or anything else from an animal will have this kind of fat present, no matter how "lean" the label claims it to be. Saturated fat is also in animal products and is present in all types of cooking oil, especially coconut oil, which everyone is hailing as the healthiest ingredient on the planet. The Paleo diet really emphasises the use of "natural fats" including animal fat (trans fat) and plant fat (saturated fat). In truth, (and I know this from years of fighting with my weight) THE FAT YOU EAT IS THE FAT YOU WEAR. All fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables contain some fat, but usually in very small amounts. This is all we need to consume! For more information on this, watch Doctor Michael Greger's video "Does Coconut Oil Clog Arteries?"

4. Cholesterol (and a LOT of it). The paleo diet uses this plate visual as a dietary goal:

Even the controversial FDA says that if consuming meat and eggs, they should be consumed in portions that are no bigger than a deck of cards. In reality, even any animal fat or cholesterol is too much. Still this ideal for a diet, half animals and half plants, is completely unrealistic and ridiculous. Also, it is extremely unhealthy. The body already produces its own cholesterol. Consuming it is completely unnecessary. When cholesterol is consumed, the body has nowhere to put it, so it ends up in the lining of our arteries, causing heart disease and a host of other problems. For more info, watch Jerry Casados' video "A Low-Fat, Plant-Based Diet Helps Reduce Cholesterol."

5. Cruelty toward animals. This one goes without saying. The Paleo diet is all about increasing our animal product intake to make up for the lack we feel for giving up the necessary carbohydrate energy from grains and legumes. For example, here is what a Paleo food pyramid looks like:

In simpler times, people killed and ate animals because they had nothing else for long periods of time, such as during harsh winters or famines. Also, they killed the animals themselves, one at a time, and didn't rely on factories to do it for them. In our modern reality, we are blessed enough to be able to choose whatever foods we want to eat without worry of not having enough. At the grocery store, there are plenty of foods made from fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes to choose from, and they're even cheaper than the meat, dairy, and eggs. Why should more animals have to suffer and die if we don't need them, and their products are making us more unhealthy?

This is a very powerful video exposing the cruelty of the animal product industry: "The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear" by Gary Yourofsky. Remember, WHAT we eat is a personal choice, but WHOM we eat is not.

6. Misinformation about food in the "paleolithic era."Let's be honest, it's a bit hypocritical that those on the diet are not killing/foraging their own food as people would have done in the Paleolithic era. For example, real paleo people would have never eaten ghee, bacon, cow beef, or any fattened up domestic animal. They wouldn't even have had access to olive oil, coconut oil, etc.
Also, archeologists most often shake their heads at any mention of the Paleo diet in that grains have been found multiple times between the teeth of paleolithic skeletons.
Here is what Doctor John McDougall has to say about the Paleo diet and human history:

7. Still high risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. I am no doctor, so I will let real doctors address this one. I would highly suggest watching the documentary "Forks Over Knives." Also, read the book "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell, or watch his lecture on it.

8. Protein overdose. Yes, it IS possible to overdose on any nutrient. People are always saying "too much of anything is bad," but don't seem to apply this to their own diets. I remember back in high school when the wrestlers and football players were trying to "bulk up" so they ate TONS of animal protein such as eggs, meat, and whey supplements, and they all ended up not only gaining excess muscle, but also excess fat. And nowadays people sell protein as a way to lose weight? It is only worsening the problem. Here is a video of  Doctor John Higgins explaining the dangers of protein overdose.

9. It is completely unrealistic to our modern circumstances and way of life. Grocery-wise, it's far more expensive than any other diet I've heard of. Also, it causes constipation and fatigue after just a short time on the diet. Most people who start the Paleo diet either quit it completely later on or continue it through the week with a few "cheat days" here and there. This is because the human body cannot fully sustain itself on this way of eating. Here is an example of a family who tried the paleo diet for four weeks and regretted it after.

10. It is just another way for the diet industry to make more money. Isn't it strange that so many people promoting low carb, high fat, high protein diets are either overweight themselves or end up that way later on? Honestly, I have never found that to be true on a whole food, plant-based diet. I myself am still overweight, but I am also new to the lifestyle and am getting closer to my healthy weight every day without even exercising! (That's just because I'm lazy, but exercise is still very important).
Here is an example Doctor John McDougall gives about fad diets and those who make big money from it:

So what is the ultimate answer to health? Yes, change your diet, but do it the right way. Cut out ALL animal products, meaning all meat, dairy, eggs, gelatin, etc. Eat the whole foods that come from the earth, meaning all kinds of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and small amounts of nuts and seeds.

I truly hope that no one is offended after reading my thoughts on this. My aim is not to hurt feelings, but to help people take control of their health. I hope that this information can help someone else. Take care of yourselves, everyone! <3

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


If any of you are fans of the show Once Upon a Time, you were probably just as BLOWN AWAY as I was at the season 3 finale episode last night. I'm still in shock and awe!! LOL. The show got me thinking a lot about how much so many of the characters have changed and developed over time, so much like we ourselves do in real life. On TV and in movies we often see poor portrayals of girls and women, showing them as either ditzy, weak and overly sexualized, or overbearing, standoffish and man-hating. Neither are true-to-life at all.  I was inspired to put together this post today because there are so many GREAT female characters out there that DO portray women the right way, and with flying colors.  Here are just a few of them in no particular order, all with video evidence to back up their greatness. :) Though fictional (except for #9), every single one of these ladies represents a different type of real woman in the world. Every single one is BEAUTIFUL; not because of her body or features, but because of the light that shines from inside of her and never fades. 

#1: Regina Mills/The "Evil" Queen from "Once Upon A Time"

Regina started out good as a girl, but when her own mother murdered her fiance, a thirst for revenge started to grow inside of her, eventually turning her over to evil. Yet her character stands as one of the greatest examples of redemption and change toward a better life, regardless of one's past. Over time Regina realized the error of her actions and learned to allow the magic of "light" back into her life. On her journey back to "good," she endured blame, ridicule, torture, loss, grief, and rejection. Even after losing everything, she chose light over darkness. To me, this makes her a hero. :)

In the clip below, Regina must face her wicked sister in order to save a baby she'd stolen. Regina had only ever used dark magic, but realizes that the only way to vanquish a darkness so powerful is to use the light within her.

#2: Seven of Nine from "Star Trek Voyager"

Seven (whose real name is Annika) was just a child when she was captured and assimilated by a horrifying collective called the "Borg." She completely lost her emotions and identity, becoming nothing more than a mechanical drone in a giant hive. After the crew of the Starship Voyager took her in and removed most of her mechanical parts, she had to learn to be human all over again. She had to learn to smile, laugh, play, love, and create instead of destroy. All of this would take a great deal of time, but watching her blossom into the strong, compassionate person she was meant to be is so captivating. It just goes to show that something as simple as human love can not only change someone, it can also heal. 

In the clip below, Seven tries singing for the first time since she was a child. Never before had she shown any willingness to do anything so emotional and artistic. As you can see by the Doctor's face at the end of the clip, her progress is not only impressive, but also heartwarming. <3

#3: Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games"

Katniss has grown up in a society where her people have been under the cruel thumb of the government for as long as any of them can remember. They are forced to give over certain selections of their children every year for the annual "Hunger Games' where the children must fight to the death in order to claim one victor. Though Katniss is angered by the injustice of her world, she never lets her anger control her. All she ever does is react. In an arena where everyone is trying to kill each other, Katniss remains true to her value of human life. 

The clip below is a perfect example of exactly the kind of bravery I wish to have myself. As I mentioned, all Katniss does is react; without any hesitation or fear. When they are publicly beating Gale, the man she loves, she doesn't cower and cry. She runs straight in and shields him. 

#4: Elphaba from Broadway's "Wicked"

Elphaba was born with great powers, but everyone around her was too distracted by the green skin she was born with. For a long time she believed her abilities only amounted to what other people thought of her. But after being framed as a villain before all of Oz, something in her changed. People believed her to be wicked, but in the end it didn't matter. She chose the right path. She chose to accept both the powerful AND loving person she truly is. 

In the clip below, Elphaba gracefully rejects every bit of negativity that has been thrust upon her and chooses to carve her own path.

#5: Tracy Turnblad from "Hairspray"

Tracy is an upbeat girl who loves to dance. She dreamed of dancing on her favorite TV show, but after auditioning she was faced with harsh criticism for her imperfect appearance. Still, she not only persevered to get herself on the show, but also people of every size, shape, and color along with her. 

In the clip below, Tracy sneaks into the televised dance-off she was banned from and rocks the house!

#6: Merida from "Brave"

Merida is a princess who loves to ride her horse and practice archery. But as her royal duty, she is expected to marry, whether it is someone she loves or not. Instead of caving to societal pressures, Merida instead chooses to take matters into her own hands, realizing that a stronger relationship with her mother is all she really needed; not an arranged marriage and not a royal title. 

In the fabulous clip below, Merida literally takes her fate into her own hands.

#7: Amy Farrah Fowler from "The Big Bang Theory"

Amy is a very intelligent young woman with a PhD in neuroscience. But growing up she was teased so much by her peers that she was too afraid to try and make friends. It caused her to miss out on the social growth and bonding that most people seek at such a young age. As an adult, Amy decided she no longer cared what labels others placed on her. She started making friends and even dating; experiencing the things she thought she'd never have. When she met her boyfriend, Sheldon, she realized he'd experience much of the same treatment growing up and slowly she continues to help his shield of  insecurities come down.

In the clip below we see how Amy uses her intelligence to help others open up. Her boyfriend Sheldon has trouble with commitment and steers clear of physical touch. She slowly shows him that growing comfortable around someone can actually be enjoyable.

#8: Elsa from "Frozen"

Elsa has the amazing gift of being able to freeze anything and create ice and snow. But after an accident as a child, she ended up hurting her sister and grew afraid that she would never be able to control her powers. After being crowned queen, everyone suddenly discovers her powers and fears her, causing her to run away. But her strength truly begins to show when she decides to "let it go" and be herself. She finally uses her powers freely and creates magnificent things with them. She soon realizes that love is the most powerful ability she possesses, and it was there all along in the love she has for her sister. 

In the clip below, Elsa lets go of her worry over what others will think of her unique abilities. She chooses to live life for herself, regardless of where judgment had steered her before.

#9: Pocahontas

(This one is actually not a fictional character, but Disney did make a lot of changes to the original story. Regardless...)
Pocahontas has a deep connection with all life around her. Though her people warn her of others who appear to be different, she chooses to "listen with her heart" instead. She becomes a symbol of peace for all people, no matter what race or origin.

In the clip below, Pocahontas saves John Smith in spite of her people's hatred for his kind. She chooses to throw herself in the way of her Father's wrath to restore peace and compassion.

#10 Clair Huxtable from "The Cosby Show"

Clair will always be my favorite TV mom. She is a lawyer, a believer in equal rights, AND the mother of 5 children. She never let injustice stand if she had anything to do with it. She treated everyone in fairness and respect, and never ceased to be a lady in every way.

In the clip below, Clair eloquently addresses the sexist idea that "a woman should serve her man."

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Our world sure is a strange one. It seems to me that more and more people are moving away from the kinds of conversations we used to have. You know, before the internet? (Oops, my age is showing, LOL. Relax, I'm 25). Anyway, I LOVE the internet. I think I wouldn't have become the person I am today without it. However, I have noticed how common it is now to use social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and such to rant and whine about every little annoyance that comes our way. One HUGE topic that sparks this whining is the topic of... you guessed it... religion. Look, if you watch my YouTube videos or follow me on Twitter, you know I myself am a religious person. But my reason for this post is not to defend religion. Actually, I would like to offer my point of view on this trend as a whole.
It has actually become the norm to start and hold entire internet conversations about things we DON'T believe in.
"Oh that person has a religion? Send them a comment telling them how wrong they are."
"Oh they aren't voting for my candidate? Tweet them that they are a monster and how they're destroying the world."
"Oh, they're a vegan? Spam them with pictures of meat and dead deers from my last hunting trip."
I think it's amazing and wonderful that we live in such a way that we can freely express our opinions. However, when I go on these social platforms and witness my own friends fighting over issues that they don't believe in, it almost seems as if they are throwing away everything they DO believe in.
People who aren't religious: haven't you chosen to stand for treating others with respect? Upholding the freedom of people to believe as they wish so you keep your freedom to do the same?
People who are religious: are we not taught to love thy neighbor as thyself? Do unto others as you would have done unto you? Are we not all brothers and sisters?

I have been practicing my expression of the things I believe in with all my heart, and ignoring any urges to point my own imperfect finger at the things I don't believe in. We are on this earth to GIVE to each other. We are here to UPLIFT each other. How can we do that if we are following the grand illusion called "DIVISION?!" Remember, if "they" can divide us, "they" can and will ultimately conquer us. If you stand for what you believe in, I have a deep respect and admiration for you, even if I don't agree with you! But if all you have to offer is your argument against someone else's belief, I feel sorry for you. There is so much more to life that you are missing.

And for the record, any time I watch a video or read a tweet, if that person were to say "I believe with all my heart that being Catholic is the one true religion (OR Islam, Buddhism, Protestant Christianity, Atheism, or WHATEVER!) the thought would never even cross my mind to leave them a nasty comment about how "wrong" they are because already I feel secure in the things I DO believe. If I find myself wanting to argue with someone, it's usually because that person is saying or doing something that makes me feel guilty, making me act defensive. Speaking from experience, once you notice this reaction in yourself, you CAN learn to stop doing it, and once you find your security in your own beliefs, it is absolutely liberating. No one can bring you down because you respect and love everyone, regardless of differences. Do we really expect everyone out there to believe the exact same way as we do? No one is on the same walk in life that you are.  If I wish to have freedom in what I believe, I know that I must open-heartedly embrace the diversity of others' beliefs as well.

Believe in something. Love each other. That is the secret. <3